
Governor Abdulswamad criticises Gachagua's call for Noordin Haji's resignation

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The Mombasa Governor highlighted the risks of Gachagua's comments, stating that they undermine national unity and could exploit ethnic divisions.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has condemned Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's demand for the resignation of Director of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) Noordin Haji.

Governor Abdulswamad described Gachagua's statements as inappropriate and divisive, sparking significant controversy.

In a strongly worded statement, Governor Abdulswamad criticised the DP for discussing sensitive national security issues publicly, particularly targeting Noordin while absolving Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome.

This follows last week's protests, which saw police clashes resulting in deaths and abductions of young demonstrators.

The Mombasa Governor highlighted the risks of Gachagua's comments, stating that they undermine national unity and could exploit ethnic divisions.

He urged Gachagua to address such matters within the National Security Council, in which the Deputy President is a member, emphasising that public discourse on these issues could endanger national security.

"The Office of the Deputy President is not just a position, it is a responsibility. It is deeply concerning that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has chosen to publicly prosecute national security issues, resulting in personal attacks against Noordin,” he stated.

He added that, at a time when the younger generation is disillusioned with the country's current trajectory, such comments only incite confusion and public anger.

The governor called on the Deputy President to focus on unifying the country rather than engaging in personal vendettas.

Mombasa residents, led by Sheikh Abu Qatada, have also condemned Gachagua's remarks. They accused the Deputy President of inciting tribalism and called for an apology to Noordin Haji.

They also criticised Gachagua for shifting blame for the recent protests against the 2024/25 Finance bill, during which demonstrators stormed parliament buildings.

These local leaders emphasised the need for unity and responsible leadership, urging Gachagua to draw inspiration from the young generation's efforts to transcend ethnic divisions.

“Kenyans need leadership. If there is one thing that our young people have shown the world, it is that common purpose can transcend narrow ethnic balkanization. We call upon the Deputy President to follow the lead of our young people and focus on issues rather than using this solemn moment in history to fight personal wars,” he said.

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