
Raila calls for government to reduce fuel prices by Sh50

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He criticized Ruto for running a government that neglected the interests of the people by imposing high taxes and failing to reduce the cost of living.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga is now urging the Kenyan government to reduce the price of vehicle fuel by a margin of Sh50.

Raila cited the drop in global oil prices as a reason for urging the government to lower the prices to provide relief to citizens.

He criticized President William Ruto for running a government that neglected the interests of the people by imposing high taxes and failing to reduce the cost of living.

"We are well aware that oil prices in the global markets have significantly decreased. Therefore, we demand an immediate reduction in the local prices. Not just a Sh5 reduction to deceive Kenyans, but a reduction ranging from Sh48 to Sh50," said Mr Odinga.

He was speaking in the village of Merrueshi, in the East Kajiado constituency, where he attended an event to honour the area's Member of Parliament, Kakuta Maimai.

The MP, serving his first term in parliament, was elected on the ODM ticket.

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) uses global oil price benchmarks to estimate the new retail price of the product on the 14th of every month.

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, the price of the product dropped to $69.6 (equivalent to Sh10,676.28) per barrel in international markets.

This price for crude oil from the Murban company was the lowest seen since July this year, 2023, although slightly higher than the price on Wednesday, December 6.

In June 2023, the price dropped to $69.15 per barrel, equivalent to Sh10,607.73.

On November 14, EPRA set the price of petrol at Sh217.36 per litre, with diesel at Sh203.47 in Nairobi.

Mr Odinga also criticized the government for its plans to sell 11 state-owned enterprises valued at Sh200 billion.

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