Food insecurity grips Kwale residents as prices of essential commodities soar
  • Author: Mishi Gongo
  • Date: 2024-06-28 16:41:03

Food insecurity grips Kwale residents as prices of essential commodities soar

Currently, the residents purchase a tomato at Sh20 from the previous Sh 5 while one cabbage goes for Sh110 up from Sh40.

Protest set for Tuesday as pressure mounts for MPs to reject Finance Bill
  • Author: Mary Wambui
  • Date: 2024-06-15 13:04:51

Protest set for Tuesday as pressure mounts for MPs to reject Finance Bill

The organisers of the protest, dubbed "Occupy Parliament," have called on participants to show up in black at noon to keep vigil as MPs vote at 2.30 pm on the bill that has been widely rejected as punitive.

Nigeria's President says economic reforms will continue despite hardships
  • Author: Reuters
  • Date: 2024-06-12 13:31:01

Nigeria's President says economic reforms will continue despite hardships

Tinubu acknowledged hardships caused by the reforms, which also include higher interest rates and the partial removal of electricity subsidies, but said this would create a stronger foundation for future growth.

Egyptians struggle with first bread subsidy cut in decades
  • Author: Reuters
  • Date: 2024-06-05 12:45:16

Egyptians struggle with first bread subsidy cut in decades

The impact of the price increase will be felt by millions because the subsidised loaves are a staple for much of the population of about 106 million.

Finance Bill 2024: Committee seeks oral, written views ahead of public hearing
  • Author: Vincent Ombati
  • Date: 2024-06-04 21:03:15

Finance Bill 2024: Committee seeks oral, written views ahead of public hearing

National Assembly Clerk Samuel Njoroge said on Tuesday that the public hearing will be held on June 10 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi from 9.30 am to 5 pm.

Finance Bill 2024: Why car owners feel new tax is 'enemy of progress'
  • Author: Alfred Onyango
  • Date: 2024-06-04 17:02:50

Finance Bill 2024: Why car owners feel new tax is 'enemy of progress'

If the bill becomes law, insurance companies will collect the motor vehicle tax at the point of issuance of insurance coverage and remit the same to the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) within five working days.

Accountants ask state to reconsider taxes on bread, vehicles and digital transactions
  • Author: Alfred Onyango
  • Date: 2024-06-04 15:46:00

Accountants ask state to reconsider taxes on bread, vehicles and digital transactions

ICPAK says the proposal to reclassify the supply of ordinary bread from zero-rated to standard-rated will increase the product’s price, as it is a staple food for most Kenyans.

Worry, criticism as Ruto plans to raise tax rate to 22 per cent by end of term
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-05-15 16:47:42

Worry, criticism as Ruto plans to raise tax rate to 22 per cent by end of term

President William Ruto intends to raise the country's average tax rate from 14 per cent to 16 per cent by the end of 2024, and to 20–22 per cent by the end of his term.

Corruption to blame for high cost of living – EACC report
  • Author: Manny Anyango
  • Date: 2024-03-27 17:26:49

Corruption to blame for high cost of living – EACC report

President William Ruto has reassured the public time and again that his government is committed to the war on graft but has been criticised over the withdrawal of bigfish cases.

Thousands of Nigerians protest soaring cost of living
  • Author: Agency
  • Date: 2024-02-27 19:09:34

Thousands of Nigerians protest soaring cost of living

As inflation skyrockets, many poor Nigerians have had to skip meals and give up products now considered a luxury, such as meat, eggs and milk.

Azimio begins mass recruitment in fresh battle against Ruto government
  • Author: Apollo Ochieng
  • Date: 2024-02-02 12:03:35

Azimio begins mass recruitment in fresh battle against Ruto government

Opposition chief Raila Odinga's coalition says the drive is aimed at increasing their visibility in preparation for a fresh confrontation with President William Ruto's government.

National Dialogue Committee fails to agree on scrapping of housing levy, reduction of fuel VAT
  • Author: Dennis Tarus
  • Date: 2023-11-26 08:32:29

National Dialogue Committee fails to agree on scrapping of housing levy, reduction of fuel VAT

The committee said there was divergent opinion regarding the Housing Levy and VAT on fuel which were effected under the Finance Act 2023

Employers union raises red flag over high cost of doing business, says most firms face closure
  • Author: Dennis Tarus
  • Date: 2023-11-25 10:14:46

Employers union raises red flag over high cost of doing business, says most firms face closure

FKE said the cost of doing business in the country has become unsustainable since the enactment and implementation of the Finance Act 2023.

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