Somali elders defend NIS boss Noordin Haji, accuse Gachagua of overstepping his mandate
  • Author: Waweru Wairimu
  • Date: 2024-06-29 20:30:07

Somali elders defend NIS boss Noordin Haji, accuse Gachagua of overstepping his mandate

They criticised Gachagua for allegedly failing to advise President Ruto as his Principal Assistant on measures that should have been taken to prevent the loss of lives during the anti-tax protests.

Activist petitions high court to investigate DP Gachagua's attack on NIS boss Haji
  • Author: Joseph Ndunda
  • Date: 2024-06-28 15:35:58

Activist petitions high court to investigate DP Gachagua's attack on NIS boss Haji

The activist, through his lawyer, Danstan Omari, wants Gachagua restrained from issuing more statements against Haji in his capacity as the NIS boss or his previous role as DPP.

Governor Abdulswamad criticises Gachagua's call for Noordin Haji's resignation
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-06-27 21:54:25

Governor Abdulswamad criticises Gachagua's call for Noordin Haji's resignation

The Mombasa Governor highlighted the risks of Gachagua's comments, stating that they undermine national unity and could exploit ethnic divisions.

DP Gachagua faces backlash over demand for Noordin Haji's resignation
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-06-27 06:29:00

DP Gachagua faces backlash over demand for Noordin Haji's resignation

The DP on Wednesday called for the resignation of the NIS boos whom he blamed for not effectively briefing President Ruto on the magnitude of the protests.

Gachagua: NIS failed us in wake of anti-tax demos, Noordin Haji should resign
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-06-26 19:09:39

Gachagua: NIS failed us in wake of anti-tax demos, Noordin Haji should resign

He accused Haji of dismantling the NIS by removing experienced directors and replacing them with less capable individuals.

Ruto and Gachagua score D in latest InfoTrak poll
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-06-10 15:23:58

Ruto and Gachagua score D in latest InfoTrak poll

The deputy president scored 42 per cent on communicating to Kenyans what they are doing and on competency. 

Opinion: Squabbles among top leaders are not good for the country
  • Author: Mohamed Ahmed
  • Date: 2024-06-08 11:56:33

Opinion: Squabbles among top leaders are not good for the country

At a time when Kenya stands poised at the threshold of transformative change, such internal discord threatens to derail progress and divert attention from the pressing issues facing the nation.

State forms new taskforce to oversee uptake of donor funds
  • Author: Barack Oduor
  • Date: 2024-06-04 21:40:45

State forms new taskforce to oversee uptake of donor funds

Gachagua revealed that the formation of the taskforce is part of steps being taken by the government to enhance collaboration with Development Partners and increase socio-economic growth.

OPINION: Population-based formula not the best for resource allocation
  • Author: Mohammed Doyo
  • Date: 2024-05-24 22:55:13

OPINION: Population-based formula not the best for resource allocation

The Commission for Revenue Allocation was established as an independent institution to facilitate this process and build consensus among stakeholders.

Northern Frontier leaders chide Gachagua over 'one man, one shilling' revenue policy
  • Author: Barack Oduor
  • Date: 2024-05-21 17:52:02

Northern Frontier leaders chide Gachagua over 'one man, one shilling' revenue policy

Gachagua revived the debate for the distribution of national resources a week ago, issuing remarks that Northern leaders see as supportive of the clamour by Mt. Kenya leaders for more resources.

Kenya, Somalia strengthen ties in high-level talks led by Gachagua, Hamza Abdi
  • Author: Hanifa Adan
  • Date: 2024-05-07 16:21:12

Kenya, Somalia strengthen ties in high-level talks led by Gachagua, Hamza Abdi

The tone of the meetings was described as constructive, with both leaders recalling "the deep historical bonds of friendship" between Kenya and Somalia.

Nairobi hosts key meeting to boost Kenya-Somalia ties
  • Author: Hanifa Adan
  • Date: 2024-05-03 22:02:31

Nairobi hosts key meeting to boost Kenya-Somalia ties

JCC also seeks to deepen cultural ties, with initiatives planned to include shared cultural events and language programs designed to build mutual understanding and appreciation among the citizens.

Government announces comprehensive plan to tackle flood crisis in Garissa, Tana River
  • Author: Issa Hussein
  • Date: 2024-05-02 20:03:06

Government announces comprehensive plan to tackle flood crisis in Garissa, Tana River

He announced plans for a Sh1.2 billion investment to construct a new bridge at the destroyed Kona Punda section of the Garissa-Nairobi Highway.

Government calls for surveillance as floods kill 70 people
  • Author: Barack Oduor
  • Date: 2024-04-26 19:04:36

Government calls for surveillance as floods kill 70 people

The total number of people affected countrywide now rests at 131,179 with Nairobi leading with the highest number of people displaced and affected at 16,908 and 98,790 respectively.

State sets up multi-agency centre at Nyayo House to monitor floods impact
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-04-25 15:16:08

State sets up multi-agency centre at Nyayo House to monitor floods impact

Daily alerts will be issued to inform the public of potential dangers, appealing for cooperation with government agencies and partners to save lives and livelihoods.

Francis Ogolla memorial service: General revered for his humility, simplicity even in death
  • Author: Mary Wambui
  • Date: 2024-04-20 20:21:55

Francis Ogolla memorial service: General revered for his humility, simplicity even in death

The general will be buried on Sunday at his home in Siaya County.

One arrested as 3,000 bhang sticks recovered in Kwale
  • Author: Mishi Gongo
  • Date: 2024-04-20 18:23:51

One arrested as 3,000 bhang sticks recovered in Kwale

Detectives emphasized the seriousness of the fight against drug trafficking and called on all individuals engaged in illegal activities to surrender

DP Gachagua announces 40 per cent salary hike for police officers starting July 1
  • Author: Mary Wambui
  • Date: 2024-04-02 17:57:41

DP Gachagua announces 40 per cent salary hike for police officers starting July 1

The revelation that the task force's recommendations have been accepted is a great relief to officers across the country, who for years, have complained of being neglected.

Over 900 persons graduate under Recognition of Prior Learning policy
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-03-22 22:30:27

Over 900 persons graduate under Recognition of Prior Learning policy

RPL seeks to recognize people in the Jua Kali sector who have prior skills but have not been formally recognized.

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