High Court upholds 33-year sentence for Westgate Attack convicts
  • Author: Joseph Ndunda
  • Date: 2024-06-28 19:38:42

High Court upholds 33-year sentence for Westgate Attack convicts

Justice Nzioka dismissed an appeal by Hussein Hassan Mustafa and Mohammed Ahmed Abdi stating, "I would have enhanced the sentence if I was requested but I would leave it as it was given".

Jowie Irungu files fresh case against death sentence, law denying him bail
  • Author: Joseph Ndunda
  • Date: 2024-04-18 11:50:08

Jowie Irungu files fresh case against death sentence, law denying him bail

Jowie argued that laws providing death sentences are unconstitutional because they all violate Article 26(1) of the Constitution on protection of the right to life.

Explainer: Jowie's death sentence and Kenya's stance on capital punishment
  • Author: Amina Wako
  • Date: 2024-03-13 18:51:52

Explainer: Jowie's death sentence and Kenya's stance on capital punishment

No executions have taken place since 1987, when Hezekiah Ochuka and Pancras Oteyo Okumu were executed for their role in theĀ failed attempt to overthrow President Daniel Arap Moi in 1982.

Jowie statements that sealed his fate in Monica Kimani murder case - judge
  • Author: Joseph Ndunda
  • Date: 2024-03-13 17:32:13

Jowie statements that sealed his fate in Monica Kimani murder case - judge

His sentence remains in force unless the Court of Appeal sets aside the judgement handed by Lady Justice Grace Nzioka on Wednesday.

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