
KPA boss on the spot for failing to honour Senate summons

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The Senate committee had sought Ruto's presence to address ongoing controversies at the port, including alleged scandals, mismanagement and embezzlement of public funds.

The Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) Managing Director Captain William Ruto is facing scrutiny after failing to appear before the Senate Committee on Roads, Transport, and Housing.

On Friday, the committee sought Ruto's presence to address ongoing controversies at the port, including alleged scandals, mismanagement, and the embezzlement of public funds.

The Senate Committee, led by Kiambu Senator Paul Karungo Thang'wa, was forced to suspend and abruptly adjourn the session following Ruto's absence.

The lawmakers noted this marked another instance of Ruto ignoring the committee's summons without offering any explanation or sending an official apology.

“There was no communication or courtesy to inform the chair that he would not attend the committee meeting. Appointing representatives in his place is inappropriate unless he thought it would be satisfactory. His actions are disrespectful to the Senate because we would have coordinated to understand the way forward. If we were informed he was in Naivasha, we would have travelled to hear him out, as these are significant and pressing issues,” said Thang'wa.

The committee refused to hear from the KPA representatives who appeared on Ruto's behalf.


The lawmakers issued an ultimatum for Ruto to appear before them by July 7, failing which they will impose a fine of Sh500,000 or request Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to enforce his arrest to ensure his appearance before the committee.

“We do not take his disregard for this committee lightly. This committee has the authority to summon him again, and if he fails to appear, we have the power to fine him Sh500,000, which he must pay personally, not from KPA funds. We also hold the authority to direct the Inspector General of Police to arrest and bring him before this committee. We invite him once more, and if he does not comply, we will exercise our legal rights,” Thang'wa added.

Despite the session's failure, the senators maintained their stance that Ruto must appear to address the serious issues surrounding the port.

"In the next session, we won't come to Mombasa, he must come to Nairobi, to the Senate. The allegations suggest a possible scandal involving up to $2.5 million. The port owes over Sh5 billion to various entities. We wanted the Managing Director here to clarify these claims. We know he can answer these questions, but we need him in person to address these and other emerging issues at the port,” stated Thang'wa.

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