
Brigadier Swaleh Nzaro laid to rest in Kilifi, accorded 13-gun salute

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His body was transported to Mombasa early on Friday to undergo Muslim burial rites, alongside traditional KDF customs.

It was a solemn day on Friday as families, friends, and members of the military community gathered in Utange, Kisauni Constituency, to bid farewell to Brigadier Swaleh Nzaro Saidi.

Described as a courageous, dependable, friendly, generous, and disciplined soldier, the 56-year-old was honoured by those who knew him.

Brigadier Swaleh was one of the 10 soldiers, including KDF Chief of Defense Forces Francis Ogolla, who tragically lost their lives in a helicopter crash on Thursday in Elgeyo Marakwet.

His body was transported to Mombasa early on Friday to undergo Muslim burial rites, alongside traditional KDF customs.

Brigadier Swaleh Nzaro Saidi was accorded the 13-gun salute. (Handout)

Upon arrival at the Moi International Airport, his body was received onboard a military aircraft and then transported to Utange for prayers. The ceremony was attended by KDF senior leaders, government officials, as well as family and friends.

At 4 pm, the Muslim faithful, led by religious leaders, offered the Janazah (Funeral) prayer. It's usually held in a mosque or an open area, led by an Imam or any knowledgeable person. The prayer involves standing in rows and making supplications for the deceased.

Brigadier Swaleh Nzaro Saidi laid to rest. (Handout)

Subsequently, Brigadier Swaleh's body was laid to rest at Kadzengo, his family farm in Kilifi county. The burial, a dignified occasion for Muslims, involved recitations of Quranic verses and supplications at the gravesite.

Lieutenant General Juma Mwinyikai led the burial proceedings and read the official address from President William Ruto. Brigadier Swaleh was honoured with a 13-gun salute, reflecting his rank and service in the KDF.

While little is known about his personal life, friends described him as a man of integrity, rising through the ranks to command the Engineers brigade and later serving as the commander of Kenya's Rapid Deployment Capability (KRDC) before his promotion.

The body of Brigadier Swaleh Nzaro Saidi arrives at the Moi International Airport. (Handout)

Various leaders, including former Major General Mohamed Badi, Cabinet Secretary for Gender Aisha Jumwa, EALA MP Hasan Omar, Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro, and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff, were present to pay their respects.

Expressing condolences, CS Jumwa stated, "My condolences to his family and the families of the gallant military personnel who lost their lives in that terrible crash."

Governor Mung’aro and Governor Shariff Nassir also extended sympathies to the bereaved families and called for thorough investigations into the tragic incident.

"May God give strength to the families who have lost their loved ones,” Governor Mung'aro said.

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