
Mombasa Senator renews calls for renovation of Mombasa Municipal Stadium

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Last month, CS Namwamba announced the government's intention to construct stadiums in each of the six coastal counties.

The Mombasa Senator has urged the government to prioritise the renovation of Mombasa Municipal Stadium, citing its deteriorating condition as a concern for the coastal region's sporting landscape.

Senator Mohamed Faki emphasised the constitutional mandate for county governments to develop sports infrastructure and cultural centres.

“The Kenyan Constitution allows for county governments to start, continue and maintain sports and cultural centres. This includes sports facilities, cultural centres, and other related infrastructure. The coastal region lacks modern sports stadiums therefore limiting residents a chance and opportunity to benefit from such facilities,” he said.

The call comes amid delays and financial constraints that have plagued the stadium project since its inception in 2019.

A view of the stalled Mombasa Municipal Stadium on March 16, 2024. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein)

The Senator is advocating for a conditional grant of Sh1.7 billion to expedite the completion of the stadium, addressing the pressing need for a suitable venue for international football matches in the region.

“The worry is that the municipal sports ground in Mombasa has faced delays and obstacles since its inception in 2019 due to financial issues, affecting the community's access to the much-needed facility. Hence, the Senate needs to resolve that the National Treasury and the Ministry of Youth allocate a conditional grant of Sh1.7 billion to the Mombasa County government to complete the Mombasa Municipal Sports Ground project,” he said.

“The former go-to venue was the Mombasa Municipal Stadium, built in 1957 with funding from the Aga Khan Foundation. It hosted its first international match in 1992 between Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, followed by various CECAFA tournaments and nurturing numerous coastal players. When devolution came, Mombasa County aimed to build an international stadium to elevate talent, host national competitions, and stimulate business and development in the coastal region, but that has not been successful.”

Last month, the government announced, construction work on the long-delayed Mombasa Municipal Stadium is poised to recommence after an 11-year hiatus.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba announced the government's intention to construct a FIFA-standard international stadium during his inspection of the location.

The CS at the same time also announced the government's intention to construct stadiums in each of the six coastal counties.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba during a tour of the stalled Mombasa Municipal Stadium on March 16, 2024. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein)

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