City Affairs

Faras, partners distribute food to Kamukunji flood victims

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Residents from informal settlements including Kiambiu, Motherland, Mugunda, Kinyago, Kanuku, Kitui, and Kasilili villages gathered at Zawadi Primary School in Eastleigh South Ward to receive the aid.

Faras, the taxi-hailing service operating in Nairobi, teaming up with the Office of the Kamukunji Member of Parliament and various non-profit organisations, distributed assorted food items to residents of the Kamukunji Constituency.

The initiative targeted 1,000 families affected by recent floods and the government's demolition of houses on riparian land.

Residents from informal settlements including Kiambiu, Motherland, Mugunda, Kinyago, Kanuku, Kitui, and Kasilili villages gathered at Zawadi Primary School in Eastleigh South Ward to receive the aid.

Each family was given 5 kilograms of rice, sugar, maize flour, wheat flour, and 3 litres of vegetable cooking oil.

Allan Maimbo, General Manager of Faras, emphasised the importance of supporting the community during challenging times.

"We are gathered here for a common goal. As Faras, we came to support this community as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility. One thousand families will receive food," Maimbo stated.

Some of the beneficiaries walk away with their food items at Zawadi Primary School in Eastleigh South ward. (Photo:Ahmed Shafat)

Kamukunji Member of Parliament Yusuf Hassan expressed gratitude to Faras for the food donations, acknowledging the significant impact on the affected families.

During the event, Yusuf asked the residents how long the food donations would sustain them, of which they said it would take them two weeks.

"For two weeks, our children will not sleep hungry?" Yusuf asked. The jubilant crowd replied with a resounding "Yes."

The distribution event also became a platform for local leaders to express their concerns about the government's actions.

Eastleigh South Ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) Nicolas Okwacho criticised the National Government for demolishing houses without providing alternative housing solutions.

He highlighted that the demolitions disproportionately affected the poor, while structures owned by wealthy individuals on riparian land were left untouched.

"The government is only demolishing houses on riparian land in villages. The government is not demolishing houses on riparian lands owned by the rich," Okwacho said.

He warned that he would lead a demonstration if the demolitions continued.

The assorted food items included kilograms of Sugar, rice, wheat flour, maize floor and 3 litres of vegetable cooking oil. (Photo:Ahmed Shafat)

California Ward MCA Hashim Kamau echoed Okwacho's sentiments and expressed disappointment that the government, which was elected by the 'hustlers,' was now demolishing their homes.

"We will not accept our people to be mistreated. It's not acceptable to target only houses in the villages," Kamau stated.

In response, Assistant County Commissioner Mohamed Hadi Adow defended the demolitions, stating they were necessary to protect residents from floods.

He mentioned that the government had provided 10,000 shillings to those whose houses were demolished.

"The government has given 10,000 shillings to everyone whose house was demolished. If you did not get it, go to your area Chief," he said.

Mohamed also encouraged affected residents to apply for houses in government housing projects.

In addition to the food distribution, Zawadi Primary School received 100,000 Faras Miles, equivalent to Sh100,000.

Faras miles are loyalty points accumulated through travel with Faras Kenya.

These points can be used to purchase data bundles, airtime, transfer to friends, or withdraw as cash to an MPesa account without additional charges.

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